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October 10, 2020 -

‘Blue Cards’: “We cannot say that a person is unloved when a person is needed”

Senior Associate Lawyer Icilia Berenguel shares her views on the role of non-resident workers in the local job market, prior to Fundação Rui Cunha's conference. Read more here (...

October 09, 2020 -

Govt urged to engage with ‘sender’ countries of migrant workers amid new labour-related laws – Experts

Senior Associate Lawyer Icilia Berenguel joined the panel of experts on the conference "Blue Card Holders – the unloved?" at the Rui Cunha Foundation. "Acknowledging the goodwil...

October 09, 2020 -

Blue Card Holders: The Unloved?

Thursday, October 8, at 6.00 pm, in the Gallery of the Rui Cunha Foundation, C&C Lawyers' Senior Associate Lawyer Icilia Berenguel joined the panel of speakers on the conferenc...

September 30, 2020 -

Restrictions on capital outflow to the gaming sector could put a brake on the arrival of VIP players

C&C Lawyers' Senior Partner Nuno Sardinha da Mata shares his views on China's measures to restrict capital outflow on gaming. Read more here (article in Portuguese). foto...

September 23, 2020 -

[已更新] 澳門《保險業務法律制度》的更新

作者: 陶義德 (António Isóo de Azeredo), 資深大律師 和 羅成軒(José Rodrigues), 法律專家 大約一年前,我們在此處分享了文章——當時即將修改六月三十日第 27/97/M 號法令澳門《保險業務法...

September 11, 2020 -

Macau Gaming: A Reality Check

This Thursday, September 10th, at 6 pm in the Rui Cunha Foundation's Gallery, C&C's Senior Partner Nuno Sardinha da Mata commented on the debate "Macau Gaming - A Reality Check...

September 01, 2020 -


澳門律師公會最近已接納康靜雅(Viviana Hong)和梁淑嵐(Ana Leon)註冊為執業大律師。 這兩位律師的職業生涯始於2017年在C&C律師事務所,在該律所他們一直與來自不同行業的客戶緊密合作。...

August 26, 2020 -

工作不再是手信: 外地僱員的入境和管理制度

作者: 馬天龍, 資深合夥人  第10/2020號法律(第21/2009號法律修正案 《 聘用外地僱員法》)最近已發佈,並將於2020年10月5日生效。 這項修改的結果是,希望來澳門工作的外僱必須獲得以工作...

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