February 20,2020 -


陶義德 和 羅成軒 澳門金融管理局(AMCM)最近發布了新的保險業網絡安全指引。 該指引與保險業務中的大多數運營機構有關,特別是與獲授權保險公司、再保險公司、養老基金管理公司、保險經紀...

October 31,2019 -


馬傑安 和 羅成軒 該法旨在減少塑膠袋對環境的負面影響,並將總體適用於零售業場所的銷售。 澳門立法會在認可公眾呼籲的減少塑膠袋使用和發展公眾自帶袋子習慣後批准了這項法案。正如環境保護...

September 26,2019 -


by: Nuno Sardinha da Mata & Gonçalo Figueiredo 《金伯利進程證書制度》是按照聯合國大會第55/56號決議制定,於2003年起實行,旨在防止戰爭區域開采的鑽石(經常用於資助暴亂和叛亂運動...

September 11,2019 -


陶義德 和 羅成軒 自1997年9月適用以來,澳門保險活動管制法例能夠有效應對保險行業的挑戰及快速發展已經有二十多年。然而,澳門保險業務活動發展日新月異,是需要對現有規定進行修訂的原因,...

August 19,2019 -

Running a business in Macau

by: Vera Bastos Macau is known for its multiculturality and diversity – and this uniqueness is also reflected in the legal system. From the very beginning, hurdles like having to ...

July 25,2019 -

Let’s start a business!

by: Maria João Marques One of the many challenges faced when setting up a company in Macau is its human resources and workforce. Macau has very strict Labor and Immigration laws a...

June 13,2019 -

Land Law – where do we stand?

by: Miguel Evaristo In fact, many Court cases have arisen on this issue, i.e., cases of provisional concession contracts’ ending for the lease of a certain land. Many of the conce...

May 27,2019 -

China’s New Foreign Investment Law

by: Nuno Sardinha da Mata & Gonçalo Figueiredo  This new piece of legislation claims to be "liberalising and facilitating investment at a high level, establish(ing) and improv...

April 26,2019 -

The New Financial Leasing Companies Act

by: Nuno Sardinha da Mata and António Isóo de Azeredo Relevant changes were introduced by Law 6/2019, establishing a specific regime for the licensing and incorporation of Financi...

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