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May 12, 2023 -

C&C at the “Hengqin Global Investment Promotion Conference 2023”

Our Director Rui Pedro Cunha attended the “Hengqin Global Investment Promotion Conference 2023” that took place on May 9th, invited by the Office of the Commissioner of Foreign Aff...

May 08, 2023 -

Residency in Macao under the new legal regime for attracting qualified professionals

In search of a solution to the lack of skilled labor, which is desperately needed to promote the diversification of the economy's development, Macao is preparing to innovate the In...

May 08, 2023 -

C&C received a certificate of appreciation from the International Advertising Association (IAA Macao)

C&C received a certificate of appreciation from the Macao branch of the International Advertising Association (IAA Macao) for our support in the establishment the association i...

April 20, 2023 -

C&C participated in the “Macau-Portugal Investment and Tourism Promotion Conference” that was held in Lisbon, Portugal

Our Dr.João Marques and Dr. Antonio Isóo de Azeredo were pleased to participate in the “Macau-Portugal Investment and Tourism Promotion Conference” that was held in Lisbon, Portuga...

April 03, 2023 -

Dr. Alvaro Rodrigues participated in the ceremony to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR

Our Dr. Alvaro Rodrigues has participated in the ceremony on the 31st March 2023 held by The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) to commemorate the 30th an...

March 28, 2023 -

C&C participated in the “Financial Policy Seminar of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone 2023”.

Today, our Dr.Nuno Sardinha da Mata, Dra. Maria Noras and Dr. Elvis Ng participated in the "Financial Policy Seminar of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone 2023". The...

March 27, 2023 -

C&C received Silver Award for the 1st “Deignan Award” for Responsible Entrepeneurship

We are proud to share that C&C Lawyers and Notaries received the Silver Award for the 1st Deignan Award for Responsible Entrepeneurship, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong ...

March 02, 2023 -

Chambers and Partners Greater China Region 2023 Guide

We are thrilled to share again with you that our Dr. Álvaro dos Santos Rodrigues, has been recognized as a leading individual in his practice (Litigation, Bankruptcy, Insolvency et...

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